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Automating Unraid Containers With Ansible
Unraid as a NAS OS provides an easy way to use old hardware for some network-attached storage. However, including docker can also be a great way to get network-attached computing by running docker containers on the host. But we want to do this with something other than just the included web console; management of containers can get tedious and make each container a bit of a snowflake rather than a repeatable deployable resource that will behave the same each time it’s deployed.
In this post, you will learn how to set up and use Ansible on an Unraid host to manage resources more efficiently and apply Infrastructure as Code to your Unraid system. With Ansible, you’ll also learn how to operate and configure just containers or use docker-compose stacks for more complex container needs and use Ansible’s templating engine to the fullest.
Unraid 321 Backups With Duplicati
Unraid provides an accessible platform for network-accessible storage for an affordable price point due to its ability to easily use second-hand consumer hardware for a new purpose. However, you may be led into a false sense of security with your data being protected by the Unraid array and its parity process. It will be essential to be cautious with this setup and to ensure the recommended backup processes fully protect your data.
This article will discuss recommendations for Unraid backups and how you can achieve this through a 3–2–1 backup strategy implemented with a single container called Duplicati. This container provides a highly polished feature set for an open-source product. The post assumes that you already have Unraid set up and are comfortable using Docker, the Unraid UI, and the Docker CLI tool.
Docker System Maintenance Guide
Like any sound long-running system, such as a generator or your long-running containers, there's always some maintenance that you should consider (and should be scheduled, too!). Without this maintenance, you might find the performance degrades over time or experience outright failures. In this post, we will explore some of these maintenance tasks you should consider to get a better handle on the docker engine you are running and ensure you're getting the most out of it.
7 Apps for your Homelab in 2024
If you are running a homelab or home server setup, this post is intended for you! If you are anything like me, you always look for something new to run in your lab. This article should help you find some popular applications being used and installed in 2024, along with some less-known ones that could unlock new features from your lab.
7 Fun Linux Fact
Linux is a free and open-source, Unix-like operating system that was first created by Linus Torvalds in 1991. As an OS, Linux provides the software platform upon which other software applications can run. Unlike systems like Windows or MacOS, which are proprietary. Linux is developed and distributed publicly through the GNU General Public License. This means anyone can modify and distribute it. Linux has been praised for its stability and security, and it's used on servers, embedded systems, and more. It's the OS of choice for many developers and system administrators.